Virtual art and culture

Cultural awareness as well as creative and artistic expression are one of the key competencies when it comes to lifelong learning and functioning in society. Culture and art are extremely important for quality of life, while the lack or unavailability of cultural and artistic content leads to the reduction of peoples social interactions, to a weak sense of belonging as well as negatively affecting psychophysical health.
In the last year, the reduction in the availability of cultural and artistic content has been significantly affected by restrictions and measures to combat the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, but also by the consequences of earthquakes in some parts of the country that have destroyed or made unsafe many institutions.

On March the 24th 2021. HERMES signed a tripartite grant agreement with the Ministry of Culture and Media and the National Foundation for Civil Society Development.
The project “Virtual Art and Culture” is funded within the competition “Art and Culture Online” from the European Social Fund, from the Operational Program Effective Human Resources.
The total value of the project is HRK 499,509.36, and the project is being implemented in partnership with the FabLab association.

The aim of the project is to contribute to the increasing of participation and active engagement of primary school students in the Republic of Croatia in interactive cultural and artistic activities. The project will develop and conduct participatory workshops that will connect history, art, science and skills acquisition using modern technology. By actively participating in the workshops, students will develop creativity and be (co)creators of the content of two plays.
The target group of the project are primary school students, and the workshops will be age-appropriate (1st-4th grade, 5th and 6th grade and 7th and 8th grade). The project activities will involve at least 500 students from at least 7 different counties.

The project was co-financed by the European Union, European Social Fund
The contents of this page is the sole responsibility of HERMES
More information about EU funds:,
Basic information about the project:
- Main applicant: Croatian Education and Development Network for the Evolution of Communication (HERMES)
- Partner: FabLab, association for the promotion of digital fabrication
- Total project value: HRK 499.509,36.
- EU co-financing: 85%
- Project implementation period: 24.3.2021. - 24.3.2022.
- Contact: