Educational Materials Development
HERMES team members have participated in multiple international educational projects whose purpose was to create original, civic education-inspired history education materials.
HERMES has contributed to the creation of the following educational materials:
Select an item from the list for more information:
We hope that the educational materials and teaching resources created during this project will inspire discussion about history, remembrance and memory inside and outside of classrooms throughout the region. History has been a divisive and contentious factor in this region for too long. We hope that this methodology of discussing openly different views and perspectives will allow young people to process this past, in a way that will create space for reclaiming the present, as well as their future.
The project “Testimonies from the Past – A Warning for the Present: Educating about the Holocaust through Oral History” was the first instance of cooperation between the Croatian Education and Development Network for the Evolution of Communication – HERMES and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM). The core objective of the project was to introduce the USHMM’s Jeff and Toby Herr Oral History Archive to Croatian elementary and high school teachers in order to facilitate the creation of innovative classroom lesson plans to be used in formal and informal Holocaust education.
Testimonies from the Past – A Warning for the Present
The educational program Memory Walk builds upon the mission of the Anne Frank House by supporting young people to remember their history, reflect on the way it is being presented through heritage and respond to possible misrepresentation and manipulation of history and memory.
In Free2choose, you and your students watch film clips and then discuss how human rights may clash, for instance freedom of speech and the right not to be discriminated against. Free2choose helps you make your students aware of the importance of human rights.
The aim of the “JustNow” strategic partnership is the development of methodological-didactical materials relating to human rights education, combined with simulation game and diversity learning in non-formal and formal youth educational work.

Applied Debate
Applied Debate is a collection of approaches that foster depolarizing communication skills. The Applied Debate methodology was developed and tested in the field through a series of workshops and dialogues with both those using discriminatory and hate speech rhetoric, and those targeted by it.