Non-formal education
Next to our key projects and ongoing educational programs, HERMES engages in and organizes various activities that revolve around using applied debating skills for the purpose of fighting discrimination, contributing to active participatory citizenship, and facilitating the building of an open and inclusive democratic society. Our educational approach is inspired by the principles of critical pedagogy, Positive Youth Development, lifelong learning and civic engagement.
Non-formal education
HERMES’ non-formal educational activities consist of workshops, trainings, seminars and project-based-learning that fosters life skills, work skills and social or cultural development.
peer education
The “Anne Frank – a History for Today” exhibition has young people who act as guides. They are prepared for this task with a special training, where they learn about the background of the exhibition, but also how they can communicate its content to people of their own age and how they can introduce more general themes such as tolerance and discrimination. In the words of our colleague from the Anne Frank House, Mr. Barry van Driel, “peer education unlocks the potential of each person to become a leader and is about promoting positive social change among one’s peers.”

Anne Frank Youth Network Toolkit Seminar Zagreb 2017

Anne Frank History for Today Peer Guide Training
Karlovac 2020

Anne Frank History for Today Peer Guide Training
Police Academy Zagreb 2017
Police Academy Zagreb 2017

Anne Frank History for Today Peer Guide Training
Pula 2015
Pula 2015

training of trainers
In HERMES, we believe in building the capacity of the alumni of our educational programmes. This is why we regularly organize Training of Trainers workshops in which we pass on the training methodology and unique approaches associated with our respective educational programs. For examples, the current Peer Guide Trainers in the “Anne Frank – a History for Today” traveling exhibition are former peer guides.

Memory Walk Training of Trainers
Zagreb 2015
Zagreb 2015

Peer Guide Training of Trainers
Zagreb 2015
Zagreb 2015

MICC Training of Trainers
Kryzyowa 2017
Kryzyowa 2017

MICC Training of Trainers
Sarajevo 2019
Sarajevo 2019