MEDIActive Youth:
Informing the Balkans

youth news literacy

In a world where the role of media has been so impactful that the term ‘mediacracy’ (the rule of media) has been frequently used to describe it, the need for media literacy and media activism of young people and youth NGOs is apparent.

The objective of this two-year project is to continue building the capacities of youth NGOs globally and developing new high-quality open education resources (OER) in the field of media/news literacy. Particular attention is given to the Balkans within the broader European context, as this project includes them in the MEDIActive youth initiative and also strengthens dialogue and post-conflict reconciliation in the region.

To learn more about the project, visit the official project website.

Read the Articles

We invite you to visit the TYM website and read some of the many interesting articles there.